Anyone who browses my Twitter or Instagram profiles knows that I am a huge fan of long exposure photography. If...
While I’m a big fan of the idea that it’s not the gear that makes a good photographer, wildlife photography...
For wildlife photography, the longer your lens, the closer you’ll be to the action. While a Canon 28-135mm lens might...
Wildlife photography is a tough genre to master. While anyone can stick a camera in the direction of an animal...
We’ve all seen our share of sunrises and sunsets, but few have paused to contemplate just why exactly the sky...
If you’ve found your way to this tutorial, you probably agree with me that long exposure photography is one of...
In order to figure out the right exposure to use, digital cameras use a process called metering to measure the lighting conditions....
Virtually all digital cameras including most modern point and shoots provide an exceptionally reliable method for evaluating proper exposure in your photos...
Nowhere else on Planet Earth will you find the incredible diversity of lush flora and fauna as in the rainforest....