Photography Poll: How Often Do You Print Your Digital Photos?

How Often Do You Print Your Photos?

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Photography Poll

How Often Do You Print Your Photos?

Photography Poll: How Often Do You Print Your Digital Photos?

How Often Do You Print Your Photos?
68 votes

Every single second of every day sees thousands of new photos uploaded online to Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and millions of other websites around the world. Sharing photos with your friends, family, and random people you’ve never even met has never been easier.

20 years ago, to share your photography with anyone required that you print out your photos. If you wanted to show off your vacation memories at Thanksgiving, you had to actually bring along a photo album — now you can just bring along your smartphone.

Obviously, people still print their photos — professional photographers still sell plenty of prints, but we’re curious just how much times have changed overall. Do you print the photos you take?