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I’m pretty excited to announce the newest concept to roll out on — the Photography Before & After feature. While the idea of comparing two photos side isn’t new, we’ve got what I think is a pretty awesome and very interactive format for this feature that allows a simple swipe of the finger or mouse movement over the photo to reveal the “After” version of an image, making comparing the before and after versions of a photo both enjoyable and a useful learning experience.


Give it a try above — to reveal the before or after image you can just move your cursor (or finger, if you’re on a mobile device) over the image. Besides just being a fun feature to play with, each photo in the Before & After section will also be accompanied with details on exactly how the image was processed, walking you through the steps involved in creating it from the camera and lens used to the post-processing techniques. This powerful learning tool makes it easy to visualize the effects of different photography and processing techniques as you get to see exactly how they’ve changed each part of the photo as you reveal the other version.

Have you got a great photo that you’d love to share with the photography community like this, explaining how you created it? Here’s an example of how your feature will look.

You can submit it to, including the following:

  • 2 versions of the same image — The first should be an unedited shot, straight out of camera. The second should be your final, processed image. Both images should be at least 750px wide and saved as high quality JPEG files. 
  • A list of the equipment used to create your image such as the model of camera, lens, filter, tripod, flash, etc.
  • Your exposure settings; ISO, Aperture, and Shutter Speed
  • A description of the process you used to photograph and then edit your image. Since this feature is intended to be a useful learning tool, please share as much of your unique knowledge and expertise as you can. Step by step details of the entire image creation process from setting up the shot to processing it on your computer are encouraged.
  • A small photo of yourself (120x120px) and a brief bio along with links to your website and social networking profiles on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. This will all be included below your Before & After feature